SJ-028VA 0.3'' 6-Digital DC Double Show Voltmeter Amperemeter - Black

SJ-028VA 0.3'' 6-Digital DC Double Show Voltmeter Amperemeter - Black

Can show the voltage and the current at the same time. Design are adopted in the table together namely the measurement of the earth and the earth wire is mutually on power supply. Scope of supply: DC 4.5~30V power supply reverse connection won't burn. Note: the highest input voltage should be less than 30V or will be burn. This product with five cables convenient to connect with car/battery cart/motorcycle used to monitor and control the voltage and current. Technical parameters: supply voltage: DC 4.5~30V(wide scope and suitable for many occasions). Test voltage: 0~100V. Minimum resolution: 0.1V. Testing current: 10A mininum resolution: 10mA (built-in crossover). Working voltage: /= 300mS/time. Extreme working conditions: lowest voltage is DC+4.5V. Highest power supply voltage: DC+30V. Working temperature: -15~+70 degree Celsius. Working humidity: 10~80%(no condensation). Working air pressure: 80~106kPa. Sun: no direct illuminate.0.3" 6-digital red color.




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