D1213 Mega ATMEGA 2560 Motherboard w/ Expansion Board + Bread Board + USB Cable + LED for Arduino
Model: D1213 - Quantity: 1 - Color: Blue - Material: Gold plate - LED wave length: Yellow: 585nm; Red: 660nm; Blue: 450~490nm - Arduino Mega is a the core of ATmega2560 micro controller development board has 54 group digitals I/O input / output end 16 groups analog input 4 groups UART (hardware serial ports) use 16MHz crystal oscillator - Can download program without other external burn write device through USB with bootloader - Powered supply by USB / AC-to-DC adapter / battery - Micro controller: ATmega2560 - Operating voltage: 5V - Input voltage (recommended): 7V~12V - Input voltage (limits): 6V~20V - Digital I/O pins: 54 (14 of which provide PWM output) - DC current per I/O pin: 40mA - DC current for 3.3V pin: 50mA - Flash memory: 256KB 4KB used by bootloader - SRAM: 8KB - EEPROM: 4KB - Clock speed: 16MHz - Packing list: - 1 x Motherboard - 1 x Expansion board - 1 x Bread board - 65 x Dupont cables - 15 x LEDs - 5 x 1K resistances - 5 x 10K resistances - 5 x 220 resistances - 1 x USB cable (53cm)