MZTX06A 2.2" IPS TFT LCD Display Module for Raspberry Pi - Sliver
Compatible with Raspberry Pi offering wide viewing angle high brightness high contrast; Allows you view from any angles which is close to 180 degrees; The SPI core dedicated adapter is self-designed timing chip SPI clock generation products available to 33MHz much faster than the other driver chip screen. Connection: 8 LED + (common anode LED backlight); 7 VDD (+3.3 V Supply); 6 / RST (reset pin can be directly connected to +3.3 V provincial IO)S; 5 RS (command / data indication feet); 4 / CS (chip select pin can be directly connected to GND province IO); 3 SCI (serial data pin which is the SPI MOSI); 2 SCL (serial clock pin which is SCK); 1 GND (ground)